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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/08/2007
Selectmen’s Minutes
August 08, 2007

Opened:  7:15 PM

Present: James Wettlaufer, Earl Johnson, Christian Petersen

Motion  080807-1:  Motion made by James Wettlaufer, seconded by Earl Johnson, all in favor to accept the minutes of July 25, 2007 as read, all in favor.

·       Chief Gleason requested an appointment for Herbert Duggan Jr as a part time police officer.  Stipulation of a one year probationary period and subject to a background check.  Motion by James Wettlaufer to accept the nomination, seconded by Christian Petersen, all approved.

Driveway permits approved for East Brimfield Road, Lot 2-R and Joaney Drive, Lot 9.  

Selectmen requested that the two Senior Employment positions, assistance for the Town Clerk and Tax Collector, be posted.

Motion  080807-2:  Motion made by James Wettlaufer, seconded by Earl Johnson, all in favor to accept the appointment of Richard Polverari as a replacement for Chris McCooe on the Planning Board.  Appointment good until the June 08 election.

Fire station roof leak repaired.

The following vehicles need to be set up for bidding.  
        1990 red Dodge Pickup, 1992 or 93 police cruiser, 1997 or 98 Jet Ski

Warrants were signed and delivered to the Treasurer.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm to go into Executive Session.
Motion  080807-3:  Motion made by James Wettlaufer to enter Executive Session per section3, Litigation at 7:35 pm.  All members polled, James Wettlaufer, Earl Johnson and Christian Petersen.  All in favor.

Motion  080807-4:  Motion made by James Wettlaufer, seconded by Earl Johnson, all in favor, to reconvene at 8:05 pm.

Motion  080807-5:  Motion made by James Wettlaufer, seconded by Christian Petersen, all in favor, to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 pm.